Relevant Regulatory Policies:
• Laying out a roadmap for policy
with clear milestones
and timetable that corresponds to the
HK3030 Campaign goals [UK/London
• Increasing coverage of green building
by bringing a number of
environmental objectives under the
same framework [Singapore Code for
Environmental Sustainability]; and
• Increasing the stringency of current
, not only in terms of Key
Performance Index (KPI) values, but
also more detailed coverage on design
and control parameters [New York and
ASHRAE 90.1 Energy Efficiency Std.].
Relevant Incentive Policies:
• Enhancing the GFA incentives
become more stringent, with direct
financial link to value, enforceable, and
also potentially applicable to existing
buildings [Singapore Greenmark GFA
Incentive Scheme];
• Reviewing the level of support of
funding scheme
(ECF etc.) and reducing
the financial burden on building owners
[Singapore Greenmark Incentive Scheme
for Existing Buildings]; and
• Developing financing mechanisms
and corresponding entities that can
completely remove the financial burden
from selected building owners [UK/
London Green Deal].
Bottom-up approach in green building
policies that are relevant to Hong Kong are
as follows:
Enhancing Operations and Performance
• Developing benchmarks and objective
measures of plant efficiencies
such as
chiller plant efficiency [kW/ton], pump
efficiency [kW/m
/s] etc. [Singapore
Legislation on Sustainability of Existing
Buildings 2012];
• Developing online reporting tools
facilitate performance reporting and
review of data [New York LL84 Mandatory
Benchmarking]; and
• Introducing mandatory energy audits
and retro-commissioning.
By requiring
building owners to compulsorily
implement a number of basic Energy
Management Opportunities (EMOs)
[New York LL87 Mandatory Retro-
Relevant Green Building Technologies:
• Implementing smart meters
enhance information collection, and also
engaging utility providers [New York:
Recommendations from Benchmarking
• Moving towards a low carbon district
by firstmapping out the demands
and resources on a GIS platform to allow
enhanced planning [UK/London – Low
Carbon Heat Network and Heat Map];
• Human factors considerations
• Enhancing green building specialist
, both in terms of depth and
breadth such as extended training
programme with particular credit area
focus, with targeted applications such
as Green Building Facility Management
Training [Singapore – Green Building
Specialist Training]; and
• Promoting life style and behaviour
that encourages a leaner
lifestyle based on consumption
information, pricing signals, education
and regulation enforcement.