2.1 Critical Initiatives
Identifying the critical initiatives
The roadmap focuses on the critical initiatives; they are the outcomes of our analysis, review and
stakeholder engagement consultation. While many initiatives being discussed, only those that
serve as waypoints, without which other initiatives cannot be proceeded, are considered critical.
As such, many initiatives, though of great importance, are not given top billing in this action plan.
This is a conscious decision on the part of the authors and helps focusing the discussion on the
most pressing matters.
2030 BAU (45% increase)
New commercial (Building Services**) (10%)
New commercial (Tenant’s Equipment) (1%)
New commercial (Behaviour change) (3%)
Minimal Intervention Commercial Building (Building Services) (1%)
Minimal Intervention Commercial Building (Tenant’s Equipment) (2%)
Minimal Intervention Commercial Building (Behaviour change) (5%)
Full-Intervention Commercial Building (Building Services) (22%)
Full-Intervention Commercial Building (Tenant’s Equipment) (4%)
Full-Intervention Commercial
Building (Behaviour change) (9%)
Residential (MEELS) (14%)
Residential (Behaviour change) (4%)
30% reduction
from 2005
Remark: Bracketed percentage refers to increase in efficiency to that specific system through equipment specifications and
enhanced controls/operation
*An illustrative scenario that demonstrates one of the many routes to HK3030. Please refer to the report on “Research on
Market Transformation of Green Buildings in Hong Kong” for the full range of scenarios studied.
**Building Services: Building Services Installation (e.g. air-conditioning, lighting systems, Lift & Escalator, Pumps and Drainage
Equipment etc.)
***MEELS: Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme, covers the majority of home/office electrical devices.
Building Energy Consumption Expressed as a Percentage of 2005 Building Use
52% reduction
from 2030 BAU
50,000 GWh
24,185 GWh
34,548 GWh