Page 23 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 23
How the Performance of a SBE
is Measured and Verified to
Encourage Best Practices

Since it was first developed in 1996, the In November 2013, the HKGBC also launched First project awarded HK-BEAM New Building
local green building certification scheme, the first phase of the Building Energy Excellent Rating in 1997:
Building Environmental Assessment Method Performance Recognition Scheme, which Lincoln House
(BEAM), continues to evolve. In 2010, BEAM targets office occupants. This Scheme and
Plus was introduced and was adopted by the its web-based energy-benchmarking tool can
HKGBC. The scheme uses local performance be used to analyse electricity consumption
standards, codes and guides, where these data to set measurable reduction targets. The
are available, and awards credits when second phase of the Scheme will be extended
the performances are higher than legal to commercial buildings for office and retail
requirements. Where local standards are not uses in 2014 to 2016.
available, international or national standards
are referenced. Key features of the scheme A voluntary Hong Kong-based Carbon
are its regionally responsive considerations Labelling Scheme for Construction Products
for Hong Kong’s humid sub-tropical climate was introduced by the Construction Industry
and dense urban living environment. To date, Council (CIC) in 2014, aiming to provide
BEAM assessment tools have been used verifiable and accurate information on the
to certify over 15.4 million m2 of space and carbon footprint of construction products for
over 50,000 residential units. On a per-capita the local building industry in the selection of
basis, BEAM is one of the most widely used low-carbon materials. The scheme currently
voluntary green building labelling schemes covers three categories of carbon-intensive
in the world. This scheme continues to be construction products, including cement,
further expanded, with the recent introduction reinforcing bar and structural steel. Phase
of BEAM Plus Interiors in 2013 and the 2 research for the scheme for another ten
forthcoming BEAM Plus Neighbourhood carbon-intensive materials is currently
Development (scheduled to be rolled out in on-going.

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