Page 150 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 150
Private Sector Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation,
Projects Science Park Phase 3:
Putting Sustainability First to Create a World-class
Hub for Innovation and Technology
All in all, 39 different sustainability principles • Atrium Link façades made up of pivot doors • High efficiency washroom fittings that
and technology innovations have been that can be opened to allow full-height reduce water consumption and effluent
integrated into Phase 3, with energy savings natural ventilation when the weather discharges by 40 percent compared to
that are predicted to be more than 40 percent permits; BEAM Plus baselines; and
higher than Hong Kong benchmarks, plus
water savings of more than 40 percent. Key • Courtyard design and spectrum selective • Zero net irrigation with native and
highlights of the passive low-energy design glazing to enhance natural daylight in the adaptive planting and drought-resistant
and active energy systems include: interior; green roofs to lower irrigation demand,
weather-controlled drip irrigation and a
• Optimised building separation and • Ultra-efficient air conditioning, with district 550 m3 rainwater harvesting system.
orientation to exploit the potential for cooling plus thermal storage to enhance
natural ventilation and daylighting and load management, CO2 demand controlled Showcase innovations in Phase 3 include:
reduce solar gains; fresh air, heat recovery wheel and an
innovative hybrid system to decouple • Dynamic solar tracking louvres that
• High performance building envelopes de-humidification from cooling; automatically adjust to block out glare
with insulated solid west facing façades, and heat to the naturally ventilated lobby
external shading, Double Silver Low-E • LED lighting to all R&D offices, providing entrances;
glazing, and insulated or green roofs; 300 lux with daylight control and occupancy
sensors; • Integrated chilled beams in one of the
• Extensive planting and greening, building management offices;
covering around 40 percent of the site, • Photovoltaic panels to provide 1 percent of
complemented with high-reflectance the whole Phase 3 site-wide energy use; • A prominent solar cooling water wall in
paving and ‘cool roofs’ to minimise the one lobby, powered by rooftop solar hot
heat island effect; • Naturally ventilated and day-lit car parks, water panels and an absorption chiller;
with all 350 parking spaces enabled for
• Operable windows at the floor and ceiling electric vehicle (EV) charging; • Solar tubes that transfer light from the sun
levels of all R&D office spaces, with deep into the car park mezzanine to reduce
courtyards to enhance cross-ventilation; • An integrated cycling track and over 100 electricity demand; and
lockable bicycle parks (adding to the 330
already in Phases 1 and 2), plus shower and • Hybrid wind-solar powered street lamps.
changing facilities in each building;
Projects Science Park Phase 3:
Putting Sustainability First to Create a World-class
Hub for Innovation and Technology
All in all, 39 different sustainability principles • Atrium Link façades made up of pivot doors • High efficiency washroom fittings that
and technology innovations have been that can be opened to allow full-height reduce water consumption and effluent
integrated into Phase 3, with energy savings natural ventilation when the weather discharges by 40 percent compared to
that are predicted to be more than 40 percent permits; BEAM Plus baselines; and
higher than Hong Kong benchmarks, plus
water savings of more than 40 percent. Key • Courtyard design and spectrum selective • Zero net irrigation with native and
highlights of the passive low-energy design glazing to enhance natural daylight in the adaptive planting and drought-resistant
and active energy systems include: interior; green roofs to lower irrigation demand,
weather-controlled drip irrigation and a
• Optimised building separation and • Ultra-efficient air conditioning, with district 550 m3 rainwater harvesting system.
orientation to exploit the potential for cooling plus thermal storage to enhance
natural ventilation and daylighting and load management, CO2 demand controlled Showcase innovations in Phase 3 include:
reduce solar gains; fresh air, heat recovery wheel and an
innovative hybrid system to decouple • Dynamic solar tracking louvres that
• High performance building envelopes de-humidification from cooling; automatically adjust to block out glare
with insulated solid west facing façades, and heat to the naturally ventilated lobby
external shading, Double Silver Low-E • LED lighting to all R&D offices, providing entrances;
glazing, and insulated or green roofs; 300 lux with daylight control and occupancy
sensors; • Integrated chilled beams in one of the
• Extensive planting and greening, building management offices;
covering around 40 percent of the site, • Photovoltaic panels to provide 1 percent of
complemented with high-reflectance the whole Phase 3 site-wide energy use; • A prominent solar cooling water wall in
paving and ‘cool roofs’ to minimise the one lobby, powered by rooftop solar hot
heat island effect; • Naturally ventilated and day-lit car parks, water panels and an absorption chiller;
with all 350 parking spaces enabled for
• Operable windows at the floor and ceiling electric vehicle (EV) charging; • Solar tubes that transfer light from the sun
levels of all R&D office spaces, with deep into the car park mezzanine to reduce
courtyards to enhance cross-ventilation; • An integrated cycling track and over 100 electricity demand; and
lockable bicycle parks (adding to the 330
already in Phases 1 and 2), plus shower and • Hybrid wind-solar powered street lamps.
changing facilities in each building;