Page 145 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 145
The approximately 60,000 m2 scheme that encourages airflow into the pedestrian KEY TEAM MEMBERS
overlooking Victoria Harbour will create an routes and open spaces such as the Artist
iconic presence for M+ and Hong Kong. A Square, M+ museum will enhance the visitor Owner / Developer / Project Manager
strikingly slim, semi-transparent vertical experience with detailed consideration of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
plane, housing education facilities, a the microclimate around its building. It will (WKCDA)
restaurant and museum offices will rise on also incorporate an extensive, landscaping
top of a horizontal slab offering a diversity podium with seamless connections to the Architect
of well-considered gallery spaces. At ground promenade and the park. Herzog & de Meuron / TFP Farrells
and lower levels, access will be provided to
the park and other WKCD facilities, alongside A distinctive building façade comprising C&S Engineer / M&E Engineer /
a public resource centre, theatres, retail architectural tiles and laminated IGU will Landscape Architect / Sustainable
and dining, and back-of-house functions. Of be designed to resist the typical tropical Design Consultant / Environmental
particular note, Herzog & de Meuron—who climate in Hong Kong. Daylight intake will Consultant / Façade Consultant /
are also known for the Tate Modern Museum be designed strategically to maximise use Acoustic Consultant
in London, Beijing’s Bird’s Nest Stadium and of daylight as practicably as possible. As Arup
other notable designs—have firmly anchored the M+ museum will be located adjacent
the M+ building on its reclaimed-land site, to the district cooling network, an energy Quantity Surveyor
excavating a new ‘found space’ for large- efficient and reliable chilled water supply Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
scale installations around the existing Airport will be available when the network is fully
Express train tunnel that runs underneath. developed. To promote collaborative working
and coordination among all disciplines,
The design process of the M+ museum has Building Information Modelling (BIM) has
already reached the detailed design stage, and been adopted in the design process and the
the M+ joint venture partnership is working at details of BIM will continue expanding to
full speed this year to complete the building. address complex design geometry issues.
The design, construction and operation of the
M+ museum will deliver a high quality space To materialise the sustainability vision of the
to the people of Hong Kong. The museum West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, the
will also perform sustainably without M+ museum building will be constructed to
compromising its functional requirements. Its achieve key sustainability design targets, e.g.
strategic position at the western side of the BEAM Plus Gold rating and a cost-effective
district forms a striking link between the park energy-saving strategy.
and its cultural boulevard. With a massing

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