Page 151 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 151
Phase 3 has made its mark on Hong Kong’s consumption via the centralised BMS, which
construction industry since its inception. will create a detailed profile of each tenant’s
The development of its initial sustainability lighting and small power consumption, plus
masterplan was among the first in Hong total building energy. Real-time building
Kong to embrace emerging issues such as performance will be displayed, via an Energy
urban air ventilation and solar footprint. Its Performance Monitoring System (EPMS), to
design and construction has also been lauded the public in each building’s foyer. Tenants
for its integration of sustainability on an will also be able to log into their own private
unprecedented scale. The greatest influence webpage to access their own energy profile
of Phase 3, however, will extend across its online and identify electricity wastage, for
operational lifetime, as a showcase for the example outside business hours. This marks
engagement of tenants and public. a fundamental change in Hong Kong, where
commercial tenants have historically had no
HKSTPC is helping to cultivate a green culture access to their energy consumption data.
shift amongst its Phase 3 tenants via its
‘Green Lease‘. Representing a fundamental Multiple air handling units (AHUs) are provided
change to leasing practices in Hong Kong, on each R&D office floor, individually metered
the most significant provisions relate to the for their chilled water flow and electricity
sharing of tenants’ energy data and billing consumption. Tenants whose premises are
of tenants’ air conditioning according to served by one or more dedicated AHUs will
actual consumption. Both measures will pay for their air conditioning according to their
raise tenants’ awareness of their power actual consumption. This is another paradigm
consumption and more effectively enhance shift for commercial leasing in Hong Kong,
their energy-saving habits. where tenants pay a flat management fee
including air conditioning, irrespective of how
Tenants in Phase 3 authorise HKSTPC to much they actually use.
connect a smart-meter to monitor their energy
construction industry since its inception. will create a detailed profile of each tenant’s
The development of its initial sustainability lighting and small power consumption, plus
masterplan was among the first in Hong total building energy. Real-time building
Kong to embrace emerging issues such as performance will be displayed, via an Energy
urban air ventilation and solar footprint. Its Performance Monitoring System (EPMS), to
design and construction has also been lauded the public in each building’s foyer. Tenants
for its integration of sustainability on an will also be able to log into their own private
unprecedented scale. The greatest influence webpage to access their own energy profile
of Phase 3, however, will extend across its online and identify electricity wastage, for
operational lifetime, as a showcase for the example outside business hours. This marks
engagement of tenants and public. a fundamental change in Hong Kong, where
commercial tenants have historically had no
HKSTPC is helping to cultivate a green culture access to their energy consumption data.
shift amongst its Phase 3 tenants via its
‘Green Lease‘. Representing a fundamental Multiple air handling units (AHUs) are provided
change to leasing practices in Hong Kong, on each R&D office floor, individually metered
the most significant provisions relate to the for their chilled water flow and electricity
sharing of tenants’ energy data and billing consumption. Tenants whose premises are
of tenants’ air conditioning according to served by one or more dedicated AHUs will
actual consumption. Both measures will pay for their air conditioning according to their
raise tenants’ awareness of their power actual consumption. This is another paradigm
consumption and more effectively enhance shift for commercial leasing in Hong Kong,
their energy-saving habits. where tenants pay a flat management fee
including air conditioning, irrespective of how
Tenants in Phase 3 authorise HKSTPC to much they actually use.
connect a smart-meter to monitor their energy