Page 133 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 133
Moreover, choices of material (e.g., low-E For building services performance, a rainwater KEY TEAM MEMBERS
glass for the curtain wall, recycled materials harvest system is provided for irrigation in
and low VOC emission materials) and building the development. It is estimated that this has Owner / Developer
service provisions (e.g., a solar photovolatic resulted in about a 14 percent reduction in Leisure and Cultural Services Department &
panel hot water system and rainwater fresh water consumption. A dual pipe system Home Affairs Department,
recycling system) were considered in this is provided for separate collection of grey HKSAR Government
project. water and black water, making a positive Project Manager
contribution to both sustainable design and Architectural Services Department,
To meet architectural quality requirements, local impact. HKSAR Government
13 percent of the site area is covered by Architect
greenery. Soft landscape and water features With its design considerations for Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates
are provided to reduce the heat island effect sustainability, this project achieved the Architects Ltd.
and recycled materials are used in 70 percent HK-BEAM Platinum standard, affirming its C&S Engineer
of site exterior surfacing works and features, contribution to the industry and Hong Kong Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd.
including paver blocks, recycled plastic slats as a whole. M&E Engineer
for the external feature wall, safety mat tiles J. Roger Preston Ltd.
for the climbing wall and recycled plastic Landscape Architect
decking in the external area. Team 73 (HK) Ltd.
Quantity Surveyor
Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
Environmental Consultant
ENVIRON Hong Kong Ltd.
Main Contractor
Hip Hing – Hanison Joint Venture
CKM Asia Ltd., BMT Asia Pacific Ltd.
glass for the curtain wall, recycled materials harvest system is provided for irrigation in
and low VOC emission materials) and building the development. It is estimated that this has Owner / Developer
service provisions (e.g., a solar photovolatic resulted in about a 14 percent reduction in Leisure and Cultural Services Department &
panel hot water system and rainwater fresh water consumption. A dual pipe system Home Affairs Department,
recycling system) were considered in this is provided for separate collection of grey HKSAR Government
project. water and black water, making a positive Project Manager
contribution to both sustainable design and Architectural Services Department,
To meet architectural quality requirements, local impact. HKSAR Government
13 percent of the site area is covered by Architect
greenery. Soft landscape and water features With its design considerations for Andrew Lee King Fun & Associates
are provided to reduce the heat island effect sustainability, this project achieved the Architects Ltd.
and recycled materials are used in 70 percent HK-BEAM Platinum standard, affirming its C&S Engineer
of site exterior surfacing works and features, contribution to the industry and Hong Kong Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd.
including paver blocks, recycled plastic slats as a whole. M&E Engineer
for the external feature wall, safety mat tiles J. Roger Preston Ltd.
for the climbing wall and recycled plastic Landscape Architect
decking in the external area. Team 73 (HK) Ltd.
Quantity Surveyor
Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
Environmental Consultant
ENVIRON Hong Kong Ltd.
Main Contractor
Hip Hing – Hanison Joint Venture
CKM Asia Ltd., BMT Asia Pacific Ltd.