Page 138 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 138
Public Sector Eastern Harbour Crossing Site
Projects (Yau Lai Estate) Phase 5

The Eastern Harbour Crossing Site Phase The HA adopted a holistic approach to The planning and design theme is to create a
5 (EHC5) is located west of the densely optimise development potential and sustainable community for a green and healthy
developed EHC Phases 1, 3 and 4, and enhance the built environment within the habitat. The HA engaged the community by
is within a five-minute walk of Yau Tong neighbourhood. A sustainable housing estate inviting school students to design the vertical
MTR Station. The site is subject to severe developed using a people-oriented approach green panels adjacent to the estate entrance.
noise impact due to the heavy traffic at the has been achieved within a congested site by The project team and contractor also jointly
adjoining Eastern Harbour Crossing Toll Plaza means of: arranged green workshops for students to
& Approach Road and on Yau Tong Road. The pass on the message of green and healthy
Housing Authority (HA) set out to create a • Mitigating severe traffic noise with various living. Commitments from the integrated
‘Green and Healthy Habitat for a Sustainable noise barriers whilst allowing natural project team and community participation
Community’ in EHC5, which is a high-rise and ventilation and daylight to penetrate into were vital to the success of this project.
dense public rental housing estate with a site the low-level open spaces; The HA’s core values of ‘Caring, Customer
area of 85,000 m2 situated in the Yau Tong focused, Creative and Committed’ underpin
district. Design commenced in 2006, with • Microclimate studies adopted to enhance this achievement.
work starting on site in 2008 and completed the wind environment, natural ventilation,
in September 2011. The project comprises daylight, and mitigate solar heat gain; Since 2002, the HA has been adopting a
two 39-storey residential blocks providing universal design for all new public housing
2,002 flats and a non-domestic block with • Orienting the buildings to avoid flats estates to promote a harmonious living
car park, a Day Care Centre for the Elderly, overlooking other flats and minimising environment for all residents. All domestic
an Early Training and Education Centre, and obstruction to adjacent buildings; flats and common areas in EHC5 are
a Kindergarten, all blended into a landscaped designed with barrier-free access and have
podium in a garden setting. • Providing abundant greening, introducing taken convenience and safety aspects into
renewable energy systems and using
recycled materials; and

• Piloting the use of prototype modular flats,
and facilitating mechanised and green

PROJECT SCALE / USE 1.27 hectares
85,530 m2
Site area (approx.) 41
Gross floor area (approx.) 4,634
Number of floor above grade Public Rental Housing
Approximate final population
Key Occupancy type(s)

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