Page 131 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 131
pools, or visit the 45-metre-high Sky Deck to such as a wetland garden, a sanctuary pool KEY TEAM MEMBERS
enjoy a panoramic view of Deep Bay. for water birds and a landscaped garden.
Through innovative landscaping, a green Owner / Developer
Being one of the most advanced and roof and vertical greening designs, up to 70 Environmental Protection Department,
sophisticated sludge treatment facilities percent of the entire site will be designated HKSAR Government
in the region, the STF is operated in as green areas. The extensive use of low-E
accordance with very stringent international glass, together with recyclable, corrosion- Project Manager
environmental and safety standards, to resistant, self-cleaning and low maintenance VW-VES (HK) Ltd. as Design-Build-Operate
protect human health and the environment. materials, will make the STF one of the most Contractor
The adopted flue gas treatment technology environmentally-friendly facilities of its kind
ensures that all emissions are in compliance in the world. Architect
with the European Union Directive and Concept Architect – Vasconi Associes
Environmental Protection Department’s Best Finally, effort is being made for the STF to Architectes
Practicable Means. With all the mitigation achieve BEAM Plus Platinum certification. Executive Architect – P&T Architects and
measures in place, the STF will achieve a The STF will aim also, after achieving stable Engineers Ltd.
safe and environmental operation and there operation condition, to seek appropriate
will be no unacceptable residual or health recognition of the facility’s environmental C&S Engineer / M&E Engineer
impacts. performance in energy saving and power Arup
Given the remoteness of the site location, Landscape Architect
which is not supported by proper sewage To encourage public participation of this ADI Ltd.
infrastructure or water supply, potable and iconic project, a District Liaison Group with
process water will be generated onsite through members from local districts is set up to Environmental Consultant
a specially constructed seawater desalination give advice on the overall development and Fugro Technical Services Ltd.
plant. Wastewater arising will be treated and operation of the Environmental Education
reused together with harvested rainwater Centre and other publicly accessible areas Main Contractor
for cleaning and irrigation purposes. The within the facility. VW-VES (HK) Ltd.
facility will have a number of green features,

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