Page 130 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 130
Public Sector Sludge Treatment Facility
Hong Kong is an international financial designed to treat 2,000 tonnes of sewage Local engagement plays an important
part in determining the building form of
centre, a major business and cultural hub sludge per day. The design and construction of the facility. After seeking the views of the
local representatives, the architectural
where East meets West. It is also one of the facility has been substantially completed and landscape aspects of the STF will be
designed with a view to blending with the
the most widely visited places in Asia. and system testing and commissioning are surrounding scenery. The wave-form and
stream-lined designs of the main building
The continuous growth of Hong Kong has underway to achieve plant operation by end reflect and integrate the sea view in front
and ridge lines at the back of the plant, which
resulted in dramatic increases in its economic 2014. The Environmental Education Centre will become a unique landmark in the district.
The STF will also house an ‘Environmental
activities and population. Every day, some within the STF is scheduled to open to the Education Centre’ with exhibition gallery,
visitor gallery, lecture theatre, conference
2.7 million m3 of sewage is collected and public in 2015. room and café. Visitors will be able to learn
about the STF operation and sustainable
treated by a comprehensive sewerage waste management information through a
series of interactive displays. While visitors
treatment system. Sludge is an inevitable The STF will use state-of-the-art, can come to appreciate the beautifully
landscaped gardens and fountain, they can
by-product of the treatment process; its high-temperature incineration technology also enjoy other ancillary facilities, including
indoor heated spa pools and outdoor paddling
quantity is directly related, amongst other to reduce the bulk of the sludge by up to
more technical factors, to the quantity of 90 percent. The remaining incineration ash
sewage treated at the sewage treatment and residue will be disposed of in landfills
works and the level of treatment. and options are being explored to reuse these
materials. The STF will be self-sufficient
Currently, the sludge is disposed of at landfills, in terms of energy by generating its power
which is not environmentally sustainable. using thermal heat from the incineration
Therefore, the Government decided to build process. Also, it is capable of exporting
a dedicated Sludge Treatment Facility (STF). 2 MW of power as a renewable energy to the
Implemented under a Design-Build-Operate public grid.
(DBO) contract arrangement, the STF is
PROJECT SCALE / USE 7 hectares
11,000 m2
Site area (approx.) 10 (the highest)
Gross floor area (approx.) N/A
Number of floor above grade Waste Facility
Approximate final population
Key Occupancy type(s)
Hong Kong is an international financial designed to treat 2,000 tonnes of sewage Local engagement plays an important
part in determining the building form of
centre, a major business and cultural hub sludge per day. The design and construction of the facility. After seeking the views of the
local representatives, the architectural
where East meets West. It is also one of the facility has been substantially completed and landscape aspects of the STF will be
designed with a view to blending with the
the most widely visited places in Asia. and system testing and commissioning are surrounding scenery. The wave-form and
stream-lined designs of the main building
The continuous growth of Hong Kong has underway to achieve plant operation by end reflect and integrate the sea view in front
and ridge lines at the back of the plant, which
resulted in dramatic increases in its economic 2014. The Environmental Education Centre will become a unique landmark in the district.
The STF will also house an ‘Environmental
activities and population. Every day, some within the STF is scheduled to open to the Education Centre’ with exhibition gallery,
visitor gallery, lecture theatre, conference
2.7 million m3 of sewage is collected and public in 2015. room and café. Visitors will be able to learn
about the STF operation and sustainable
treated by a comprehensive sewerage waste management information through a
series of interactive displays. While visitors
treatment system. Sludge is an inevitable The STF will use state-of-the-art, can come to appreciate the beautifully
landscaped gardens and fountain, they can
by-product of the treatment process; its high-temperature incineration technology also enjoy other ancillary facilities, including
indoor heated spa pools and outdoor paddling
quantity is directly related, amongst other to reduce the bulk of the sludge by up to
more technical factors, to the quantity of 90 percent. The remaining incineration ash
sewage treated at the sewage treatment and residue will be disposed of in landfills
works and the level of treatment. and options are being explored to reuse these
materials. The STF will be self-sufficient
Currently, the sludge is disposed of at landfills, in terms of energy by generating its power
which is not environmentally sustainable. using thermal heat from the incineration
Therefore, the Government decided to build process. Also, it is capable of exporting
a dedicated Sludge Treatment Facility (STF). 2 MW of power as a renewable energy to the
Implemented under a Design-Build-Operate public grid.
(DBO) contract arrangement, the STF is
PROJECT SCALE / USE 7 hectares
11,000 m2
Site area (approx.) 10 (the highest)
Gross floor area (approx.) N/A
Number of floor above grade Waste Facility
Approximate final population
Key Occupancy type(s)