Page 124 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 124
Public Sector Kowloon City Government Offices

The Joint-user Complex at Bailey Street landscaped garden on the podium and green solar powered microclimate station and solar
(the Complex) is a 10-storey building roof further enhance the local environment. hot water system.
accommodating two co-users, namely the
Department of Health and the Home Affairs A proportion of buildings in the district were To improve the environmental quality of the
Department. The site is located at the constructed in the 1960s to 1970s with urban area, new buildings in Hong Kong
junction of Bailey Street and Sung On Street, architectural characteristics like spontaneous are generally required to provide greenery,
in To Kwa Wan Reclamation, covering an area façades and meandering circulation. These and the ratio is significantly higher for
of approximately 2,200 m2. A Dental Clinic, characteristics are abstract and rarefied this building. There is about 911 m2 of soft
Maternal and Child Health Centre, and Family in modern building design. Separate main landscaping, equivalent to 41.4 percent of
Clinic facilities are provided on the middle entrances for medical and communal facilities the total site area. This ratio is much higher
floors, while the Kowloon City District Office are used to satisfy the operational needs of than the 20 percent statutory requirement
(KCDO) and the Hung Hom Community Hall users. Various means of access and waiting for similar sites. The extensive greenery
are located on the top floors and ground floor areas at street level have likewise been ameliorates the heat island effect by reducing
respectively. The project commenced in April introduced for persons of different abilities. the temperature of heat-absorbing surfaces.
2008 and was completed in May 2013.
The Complex has adopted various forms of In addition, the external building envelope
The theme of the Complex is to create a environmentally friendly building services with its rows of windows allows ample intake
human-orientated civic focus to rejuvenate systems, including water cooled chillers, of natural light, supplemented by peripheral
the To Kwa Wan precinct, located within the heat pipes for the reclamation of heat energy planters, vertical aluminium strips, and a
Kowloon City District of Hong Kong. For this from exhaust air, and a building energy horizontal sun-shading device together with
purpose, the design of the building is governed management system. Other recycled features growing climbing plants, all of which provide
by two closely inter-related concepts, namely and renewable energy technologies include a a natural shading effect and help minimise
a building for landscaping and a building for rainwater and condensate recycling system, heat gain. The overall thermal transfer value
neighbourhood. Greening elements are used (OTTV) is 13.65 W/m2.
extensively throughout the building. Vertical PROJECT SCALE / USE
greening in various forms constitutes a major 02.62426h.8e0c0tamre2
element on the building’s elevations at all Site area,(ahpecptraorxe.)s (approx.)
levels. Peripheral landscaped terraces and 104,161265.8m382 m2
planters provide users with abundant visual Gross floor area,(map2p(raopxp.)rox.)
connections to greenery framed through 2102 (including main roof floor)
windows. The planting not only imbues Number of floor above grade
vibrancy and liveliness, but also cultivates 21,06995
greener thinking in the office environments. A Approximate final population
ROeffsicideesnatinadl clinics
Key Occupancy type(s)

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