Page 120 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 120
Public Sector Happy Valley Underground Stormwater
Projects Storage Scheme

Hong Kong is located in the south-eastern part Construction commenced in mid 2011 in shallow tank design also needs less energy,
of China facing the South China Sea and thus stages. Stage 1 works will be completed time and cost to construct.
experiences a subtropical monsoon climate. in March 2015 to enable progressive
The mean annual rainfall is more than 2,300 improvements before the rainy season in Originally, the USST was designed with
mm, 80 percent of which falls between 2015. The rest of the works will be completed a piled foundation, mainly to prevent the
May and September. Coupled with stormy in Stage 2 by early 2018. underground tank from floating due to the
summers, Hong Kong sometimes experiences high water table. The contractor, however,
very heavy rainstorms resulting in severe The project was designed with a proposed an innovative cost saving design
flooding. One of the flooding-susceptible world-class flood control system composed of using a shallow raft foundation with a
areas is Happy Valley, a low-lying commercial of an innovative concept to provide sub-soil drainage system allowing the water
and residential urban area, surrounded by hilly temporary stormwater storage during heavy table to be drawn down to a lower level and
terrain. Records show that major rainstorms rainstorms and subsequent discharge to hence removing the need for piles to combat
in the past have resulted in flooding in the downstream drainage systems when the the buoyancy effect. This has resulted in
area, causing serious disruption to public, rainstorm has passed. This avoids the need a substantial reduction in the volume of
traffic and commercial activities. for road openings to construct traditional materials required and the construction time.
large-scale drainage upgrading works in the
The Drainage Services Department downstream busy areas. Thus the nuisance The project has also incorporated the largest
implemented the project, the Happy and disruption to public and traffic can be water harvesting system (WHS) in Hong Kong
Valley Underground Stormwater Storage largely reduced. Furthermore, HVUSSS to promote sustainability in water resources.
Scheme (HVUSSS), to alleviate the flooding adopts the application of an automatic The underground water, run-off and rainwater
problem in Happy Valley and areas in its Movable Crest Weir system for the first from the sports pitches above the USST are
vicinity. The project aims at substantially time in Hong Kong to allow more effective used for irrigation of the pitches and toilet
reducing the risk of flooding by providing collection and storage of stormwater, hence flushing within the HVRG and the pump
a world-class sustainable stormwater resulting in a smaller size storage tank. The house.
drainage facility to alleviate the threats to
public safety and property brought about by PROJECT SCALE / USE 0.24 hectare
flooding. The estimated cost of the project is
HK$1,065 million and comprises a 60,000 m3 Site area (approx.) 611 m2 (Pump House)
underground stormwater storage tank (USST)
located at the Happy Valley Recreation Gross floor area (approx.) 1 (Pump House)
Ground (HVRG) (which is surrounded by
a racecourse), a 650-metre long twin-cell Number of floor above grade N/A
box culvert, a pump house and associated
drainage works. Approximate final population N/A

Key Occupancy type(s)

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