Page 110 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 110
Public Sector Kai Ching Estate and Tak Long Estate
The HA has collaborated with contractors also helped reduce handling costs and saved precast tie beams), large-scale volumetric
and stakeholders in the industry to explore the need to import conventional suitable precast construction of kitchens and
and implement green construction to enhance earth filling materials and paving blocks and bathrooms was also adopted. Prefabrication
productivity and efficiency, as well as reduce tiles. and precast construction greatly reduces both
environmental impacts on the neighbourhood. material wastage and construction waste.
As a trial, a patented advanced concrete mix
Instead of dumping the excavated marine design and quality management system was To support and promote the use of electric
mud waste in landfills and burdening used in the construction of low-rise structures vehicles, the contractors in the project joined
the environment, the HA conceived two such as the retail facilities and kindergarten. up with the power companies to arrange
innovative ideas for sustainable treatment The system optimised particle packing, leasing of electrical vehicles for use as
of the marine mud. By treating the marine thereby reducing cement content and in turn contract cars. Bio-diesel fuel was adopted
mud with an appropriate proportion of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the for trial use for some of the construction
cement and recycled aggregates, it has been concrete production process. This system is equipment in order to reduce the emission
re-used for in-situ backfilling and making of new to Hong Kong and marks a breakthrough of greenhouse gases. The effectiveness of
Marine Mud Made Materials such as paving by bringing in a performance-based approach the trial has been documented for future
blocks, roof tiles, planter kerbs and protection for concrete production technology. reference.
blocks for the waterproofing membrane of a
semi-sunken carport. The implementation In addition to prefabricated components
of these initiatives converted the waste and precast elements (such as fabric
into green opportunities that alleviates the reinforcement in slabs and walls,
pressure on landfill sites, as well as reducing semi-precast slabs, precast façades,
traffic and thus reducing air pollution. They staircases, precast RC partition walls and
Backfilling and compaction with cement-stabilised marine mud Marine Mud Factory On-site
The HA has collaborated with contractors also helped reduce handling costs and saved precast tie beams), large-scale volumetric
and stakeholders in the industry to explore the need to import conventional suitable precast construction of kitchens and
and implement green construction to enhance earth filling materials and paving blocks and bathrooms was also adopted. Prefabrication
productivity and efficiency, as well as reduce tiles. and precast construction greatly reduces both
environmental impacts on the neighbourhood. material wastage and construction waste.
As a trial, a patented advanced concrete mix
Instead of dumping the excavated marine design and quality management system was To support and promote the use of electric
mud waste in landfills and burdening used in the construction of low-rise structures vehicles, the contractors in the project joined
the environment, the HA conceived two such as the retail facilities and kindergarten. up with the power companies to arrange
innovative ideas for sustainable treatment The system optimised particle packing, leasing of electrical vehicles for use as
of the marine mud. By treating the marine thereby reducing cement content and in turn contract cars. Bio-diesel fuel was adopted
mud with an appropriate proportion of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the for trial use for some of the construction
cement and recycled aggregates, it has been concrete production process. This system is equipment in order to reduce the emission
re-used for in-situ backfilling and making of new to Hong Kong and marks a breakthrough of greenhouse gases. The effectiveness of
Marine Mud Made Materials such as paving by bringing in a performance-based approach the trial has been documented for future
blocks, roof tiles, planter kerbs and protection for concrete production technology. reference.
blocks for the waterproofing membrane of a
semi-sunken carport. The implementation In addition to prefabricated components
of these initiatives converted the waste and precast elements (such as fabric
into green opportunities that alleviates the reinforcement in slabs and walls,
pressure on landfill sites, as well as reducing semi-precast slabs, precast façades,
traffic and thus reducing air pollution. They staircases, precast RC partition walls and
Backfilling and compaction with cement-stabilised marine mud Marine Mud Factory On-site