Page 111 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 111
The projected annual operating energy Following the successful recycling and reuse KEY TEAM MEMBERS
consumption of the domestic blocks is around of marine mud, it has become the blueprint Owner / Developer
Hong Kong Housing Authority
950 kWh/m2 and the projected annual carbon for other public housing projects involving
Project Manager / Architect / C&S
emissions is around 1,450,025 kg, with a life marine mud. The HKSAR Government also Engineer / M&E Engineer / Landscape
expectancy of 100 years. Kai Ching Estate recognises this successful innovation and has Development and Construction Division,
Housing Department, HKSAR Government
has obtained a provisional Platinum rating in requested that other public work projects and
Quantity Surveyor
HK-BEAM Version 4/04 and a 3-star rating private developments explore the possibility Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
in the China Green Building Design Label. of using this green treatment method to Environmental Consultant
Arup (Kai Ching Estate) and AECOM (Tak
Tak Long Estate has obtained a Gold rating recycle and reuse marine mud on site before Long Estate)
in HK-BEAM Version 4/04. applying for disposal of marine mud off site. Main Contractor
China State Construction Engineering (Hong
Following the success of the pilot, the root Kong) Ltd. (Kai Ching Estate) and Yau Lee/
Hsin Chong Joint Venture (Tak Long Estate)
Out of the many environmentally friendly zone irrigation system has been implemented
initiatives adopted in this project, the marine on the estate. The HA will continue to
mud green treatment technology and the monitor the effectiveness of the system, and
root zone irrigation system are the first of if successful, extend its application to other
their kind in Hong Kong and are the result new public housing projects in the pipeline.
of HA’s relentless drive for innovation and The HA will also share the experience with
environmental protection. stakeholders in the industry.
consumption of the domestic blocks is around of marine mud, it has become the blueprint Owner / Developer
Hong Kong Housing Authority
950 kWh/m2 and the projected annual carbon for other public housing projects involving
Project Manager / Architect / C&S
emissions is around 1,450,025 kg, with a life marine mud. The HKSAR Government also Engineer / M&E Engineer / Landscape
expectancy of 100 years. Kai Ching Estate recognises this successful innovation and has Development and Construction Division,
Housing Department, HKSAR Government
has obtained a provisional Platinum rating in requested that other public work projects and
Quantity Surveyor
HK-BEAM Version 4/04 and a 3-star rating private developments explore the possibility Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
in the China Green Building Design Label. of using this green treatment method to Environmental Consultant
Arup (Kai Ching Estate) and AECOM (Tak
Tak Long Estate has obtained a Gold rating recycle and reuse marine mud on site before Long Estate)
in HK-BEAM Version 4/04. applying for disposal of marine mud off site. Main Contractor
China State Construction Engineering (Hong
Following the success of the pilot, the root Kong) Ltd. (Kai Ching Estate) and Yau Lee/
Hsin Chong Joint Venture (Tak Long Estate)
Out of the many environmentally friendly zone irrigation system has been implemented
initiatives adopted in this project, the marine on the estate. The HA will continue to
mud green treatment technology and the monitor the effectiveness of the system, and
root zone irrigation system are the first of if successful, extend its application to other
their kind in Hong Kong and are the result new public housing projects in the pipeline.
of HA’s relentless drive for innovation and The HA will also share the experience with
environmental protection. stakeholders in the industry.