HK3030 Activation Ceremony cum Press Conference
Posted on: 3 March 2013
News Release
Hong Kong Green Building Council Lays Out Activation Plan
for the HK3030 Campaign
Hong Kong Green School Guide launched
Hong Kong, 3 March 2013 – The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) put forward an activation plan for the HK3030 Campaign at the activation ceremony today. At the same time, the “Hong Kong Green School Guide” was launched, engaging the education sector in contributing to a vision for a low carbon, sustainable built environment in Hong Kong by 2030.
The Honourable Mr Wong Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Ir Conrad T.C. Wong, JP, Chairman of HKGBC, Mr Cheung Hau Wai, SBS, Vice Chairman of HKGBC, along with representatives from different Government bureaux and departments officiated at the activation ceremony today, demonstrating their support to the HK3030 Campaign to reduce the absolute electricity consumption of buildings in Hong Kong by 30 percent of the 2005 level by the year 2030.
“At present, Hong Kong’s carbon emission reaches 5.5 tonnes per year per capita, which is 2.2 times higher than the average level our planet can possibly sustain, and the emission level is projected to reach the 3-times mark by 2030. Given more than 60 percent of Hong Kong’s greenhouse gases emission is attributed to electricity consumption in buildings, there is an immediate need for energy reduction, and hence, the launch of the ‘HK3030’ campaign. We are proud to activate the HK3030 Campaign today with the support from the Government, and we hope to get the support of the public in building a better low-carbon, environment-friendly Hong Kong.”
The HK3030 Campaign put forward a total of 25 recommendations in achieving the electricity reduction target. The HKGBC will also launch the following initiatives within 2013 and beyond to support the cause:
The Hong Kong Green School Guide and the HK3030 Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector);
The Hong Kong Green Shop Guide for the owners, facility managers and tenants of shopping malls and individual shops in 2013;
Building Operational Energy Benchmarking Tool and Certification Scheme for office tenants in 2013;
The BEAM Plus Interiors in 2013
In view of the importance of the education sector in driving behavioural change among the younger generations, the Hong Kong Green School Guide was launched for providing practical guidelines for principals and school administrators to better understand ways to improve building energy efficiency and engage students for reducing energy consumption.
“We are glad to see a growing number of schools embarking on green school projects to provide a healthy learning environment for students, as well as cultivating civic awareness and a sense of responsibility towards environmental conservation among them,” said Mr Cheung Hau Wai, SBS. “Being the first-ever green campus-themed publication of HKGBC, the Hong Kong Green School Guide aims to foster greening projects and environmental education on the campuses, and to inspire teachers and students towards attaining a sustainable lifestyle.”
Formulated by a steering committee composing green building experts and key educational stakeholders including representatives from the Government and the schools, the Hong Kong Green School Guide provides comprehensive guidelines on design, construction and operation of the green features at schools, including the school sites, energy saving, water use, materials and waste management, and indoor environmental quality. The Guide will be distributed to all primary and secondary schools in mid-March 2013, and HKGBC will be hosting briefing sessions to introduce the Guide to the school community.
The ceremony also marked the introduction of the Energy Saving Charter to the education sector, which serves as a pledge for institutions and schools to commit in creating a green campus for students. Over 10 pioneers signed the Charter today as an vow to integrate environmental considerations into the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of all the facilities and services and also the learning experience they offered to their students.
“We are pleased to receive participation from the institutions to our HK3030 Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector) and this year we will continue to expand the outreach and encourage further participation from other sectors to foster a more environmental friendly low carbon community in Hong Kong,” Ir Conrad Wong added.
Information on the HK3030 Campaign can be obtained at
The electronic version of the Hong Kong Green School Guide can be downloaded at
Photos with captions:
Photo 1: Mr WONG Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government attended the HK3030 Activation Ceremony.
Photo 2: Ir Conrad T.C. WONG, JP, Chairman of HKGBC introduced the “HK3030” Campaign at the Activation Ceremony.
Photo 3 : Mr CHEUNG Hau Wai, SBS, Vice Chairman, HKGBC & Chairman, Public Education Committee, HKGBC introduced the Green School Guide and the HK3030 Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector).
Photo 4: (From the left) Ms Ada FUNG Yin Suen, JP, Deputy Director (Development & Construction), Housing Department, Ir WAI Chi Sing, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development Bureau, HKSAR Government, Ir Conrad TC WONG, JP, Chairman, HKGBC, Mr WONG Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government, Mr CHEUNG Hau Wai, SBS, Vice Chairman, HKGBC, Mrs Cherry TSE LING Kit Ching, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government, and Mr Raymond LEE Kai Wing, Head of Energizing Kowloon East Office, Development Bureau, Works Branch, Energizing Kowloon East Office, attended the HK3030 Activation Ceremony as officiating guests to unveil the reduction target of electricity consumption of the “HK3030” Campaign.
Photo 5: The Board of Directors of HKGBC showed support at the HK3030 Activation Ceremony.
Photo 6 : The Green School Guide was officially launched today with the presence of (from the left) Mr Martin TAM, Chairman, HKGBC Hong Kong Green School Guide Steering Committee, Mr CHEUNG Hau Wai, SBS, Vice Chairman, HKGBC, Ir Conrad TC WONG, JP, Chairman, HKGBC, Mr WONG Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government, Ir WAI Chi Sing, JP, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), Development Bureau, HKSAR Government, and Mrs Cherry TSE LING Kit Ching, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, Education Bureau, HKSAR Government.
Photo 7 : Several representatives from tertiary institutions, secondary and primary schools agreed to participate to the HK3030 Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector). They signed the Charter at the Activation Ceremony with the witness of Ir Conrad TC WONG, JP, Chairman, HKGBC, and Mr WONG Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment, Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government
About the HKGBC
The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member led organisation established in 2009 with the vision to aspire for quality and sustainability at every stage of the building life cycle and embrace these principles as a mark of excellence. The Founding Members of HKGBC include the Construction Industry Council, Business Environment Council, the BEAM Society and the Professional Green Building Council. Its mission is to lead the market transformation to a sustainable built environment in Hong Kong by guiding the development of industry standards, best practices, education, and research in green building.
Press contact
Ceci Chan / Charlene Leung
Ketchum Hong Kong
Tel: +852 3141-8018 / +852 3141-8080
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Heidi Hui
Hong Kong Green Building Council Secretariat
Tel: +852 3994-8833
Email: [email protected]