Page 85 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 85
design of acoustic windows, which function the flat layout design can be optimised with acoustic window design to promote its
as a modified double-glazed window with a better property yield. Both designs are also wider application in the building industry. It
offset openings to allow natural ventilation. able to cope with environmentally friendly is foreseeable that acoustic windows could
In 2009, laboratory tests were conducted on precast façade manufacturing, with no need be more widely adopted in the near future in
this window design concept with various for new skills, technology or materials. As both public and private housing developments
window and noise source configurations. The these designs become more commonly where noise nuisance is prevalent.
laboratory testing provided highly promising adopted in the industry, it is anticipated that
results. Subsequently, full-scale mock- the use of air-conditioning in association with Given the high-density urban setting in
up flats installed with prototype acoustic conventional fixed glazing/ windows could be Hong Kong, it has been a great challenge
windows were set up on site for in-situ further reduced, resulting in less electricity to strive for a healthy and sustainable
acoustic measurements. Tests for different consumption and carbon emissions. living environment against various pollution
flat and window scenarios showed that the sources, with noise being one of the major
acoustic window configuration could achieve The experience gained through the acoustic pollution impacts. Over the years, HKHA has
noise attenuation up to about 8 dB(A). window design in the San Po Kong project successfully developed various innovative
and subsequent public housing developments noise abatement designs and measures to
With the employment of acoustic window has been shared with the building industry optimise the development potential of public
systems, 100 percent predicted noise via various conferences and seminars. housing sites and to improve the built quality
compliance within the noise standard could EPD has also launched another study on of its housing developments.
be achieved on the San Po Kong housing
development. Further noise monitoring upon
completion of the project will be carried
out. During the design process, ventilation
and other operational factors like window
cleaning, clothes hanging and long-term
maintenance were all carefully considered.
Acoustic balconies and acoustic windows
have been proved to be innovative and
effective noise abatement measures to
protect residents while also retaining
natural ventilation and outdoor views
under an acceptable noise environment. By
accomplishing significant noise abatement,
as a modified double-glazed window with a better property yield. Both designs are also wider application in the building industry. It
offset openings to allow natural ventilation. able to cope with environmentally friendly is foreseeable that acoustic windows could
In 2009, laboratory tests were conducted on precast façade manufacturing, with no need be more widely adopted in the near future in
this window design concept with various for new skills, technology or materials. As both public and private housing developments
window and noise source configurations. The these designs become more commonly where noise nuisance is prevalent.
laboratory testing provided highly promising adopted in the industry, it is anticipated that
results. Subsequently, full-scale mock- the use of air-conditioning in association with Given the high-density urban setting in
up flats installed with prototype acoustic conventional fixed glazing/ windows could be Hong Kong, it has been a great challenge
windows were set up on site for in-situ further reduced, resulting in less electricity to strive for a healthy and sustainable
acoustic measurements. Tests for different consumption and carbon emissions. living environment against various pollution
flat and window scenarios showed that the sources, with noise being one of the major
acoustic window configuration could achieve The experience gained through the acoustic pollution impacts. Over the years, HKHA has
noise attenuation up to about 8 dB(A). window design in the San Po Kong project successfully developed various innovative
and subsequent public housing developments noise abatement designs and measures to
With the employment of acoustic window has been shared with the building industry optimise the development potential of public
systems, 100 percent predicted noise via various conferences and seminars. housing sites and to improve the built quality
compliance within the noise standard could EPD has also launched another study on of its housing developments.
be achieved on the San Po Kong housing
development. Further noise monitoring upon
completion of the project will be carried
out. During the design process, ventilation
and other operational factors like window
cleaning, clothes hanging and long-term
maintenance were all carefully considered.
Acoustic balconies and acoustic windows
have been proved to be innovative and
effective noise abatement measures to
protect residents while also retaining
natural ventilation and outdoor views
under an acceptable noise environment. By
accomplishing significant noise abatement,