Page 80 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 80
Researches Conservation and Revitalisation of
Government-owned Historic Buildings in
Hong Kong
In 2008, to revitalise and transform buildings are now open for public use. The In 2011, the revitalised former North Kowloon
government-owned historic buildings into revitalisation works for the six historic Magistracy received an Honourable Mention
unique cultural landmarks, the HKSAR buildings under Batches II and III are in in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for
Government launched the ‘Revitalising progress and the proposals for revitalising Cultural Heritage Conservation Programme,
Historic Buildings Through Partnership four historic buildings under Batch IV are with the following award citation: ’The
Scheme’ (R-Scheme). Under the R-Scheme, being selected. adaptive re-use of the Former North Kowloon
non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) are Magistracy as an international university
invited to submit proposals to revitalise Under Batch I of the R-Scheme, two buildings, of the arts has breathed new life into a
selected government-owned historic namely the former North Kowloon Magistracy decommissioned 1960s government building.
buildings in the form of social enterprises. and old Tai O Police Station, have won the The functionalist architecture style has
Where justified, financial support will be United Nations Educational, Scientific and been respected and the original finishes of
provided to the selected NPOs to cover the Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific the historically and aesthetically valuable
cost of major renovation to the buildings, Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. structure were recovered. Creative design
nominal rental for the buildings and to meet allowed for contemporary insertions to
starting costs and operating deficits (if any) The Former North Kowloon Magistracy, built provide the required educational facilities
of the social enterprise for a maximum of the in 1960, is a classic model of civic buildings in while retaining the building’s original
first two years of operation at a ceiling of that period. After its completion, the building fabric and spatial character. The project
HK$5 million, on the prerequisite that the housed one of the busiest magistracies demonstrates the possibilities of adaptive
social enterprise’s proposal is projected to in Hong Kong. Due to the consolidation of reuse for public buildings of this typology
become self-sustainable after this initial magistracies, the North Kowloon Magistracy and is a model for successful public-private
period. Since the launch of the R-Scheme in ceased operation in 2005 and the building has cooperation under the framework of HKSAR’s
2008, four batches of revitalisation projects been left vacant. Under the R-Scheme, it was policy for retaining and optimising the value
involving 16 historic buildings have been revitalised as the Savannah College of Art of heritage buildings.‘
rolled out. The revitalisation works for all and Design (SCAD) Hong Kong Campus for
six projects under Batch I of the R-Scheme the provision of non-local higher education
have been completed and the six revitalised courses in art and design.
Government-owned Historic Buildings in
Hong Kong
In 2008, to revitalise and transform buildings are now open for public use. The In 2011, the revitalised former North Kowloon
government-owned historic buildings into revitalisation works for the six historic Magistracy received an Honourable Mention
unique cultural landmarks, the HKSAR buildings under Batches II and III are in in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for
Government launched the ‘Revitalising progress and the proposals for revitalising Cultural Heritage Conservation Programme,
Historic Buildings Through Partnership four historic buildings under Batch IV are with the following award citation: ’The
Scheme’ (R-Scheme). Under the R-Scheme, being selected. adaptive re-use of the Former North Kowloon
non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) are Magistracy as an international university
invited to submit proposals to revitalise Under Batch I of the R-Scheme, two buildings, of the arts has breathed new life into a
selected government-owned historic namely the former North Kowloon Magistracy decommissioned 1960s government building.
buildings in the form of social enterprises. and old Tai O Police Station, have won the The functionalist architecture style has
Where justified, financial support will be United Nations Educational, Scientific and been respected and the original finishes of
provided to the selected NPOs to cover the Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Asia-Pacific the historically and aesthetically valuable
cost of major renovation to the buildings, Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. structure were recovered. Creative design
nominal rental for the buildings and to meet allowed for contemporary insertions to
starting costs and operating deficits (if any) The Former North Kowloon Magistracy, built provide the required educational facilities
of the social enterprise for a maximum of the in 1960, is a classic model of civic buildings in while retaining the building’s original
first two years of operation at a ceiling of that period. After its completion, the building fabric and spatial character. The project
HK$5 million, on the prerequisite that the housed one of the busiest magistracies demonstrates the possibilities of adaptive
social enterprise’s proposal is projected to in Hong Kong. Due to the consolidation of reuse for public buildings of this typology
become self-sustainable after this initial magistracies, the North Kowloon Magistracy and is a model for successful public-private
period. Since the launch of the R-Scheme in ceased operation in 2005 and the building has cooperation under the framework of HKSAR’s
2008, four batches of revitalisation projects been left vacant. Under the R-Scheme, it was policy for retaining and optimising the value
involving 16 historic buildings have been revitalised as the Savannah College of Art of heritage buildings.‘
rolled out. The revitalisation works for all and Design (SCAD) Hong Kong Campus for
six projects under Batch I of the R-Scheme the provision of non-local higher education
have been completed and the six revitalised courses in art and design.