Page 84 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 84
Researches Noise Abatement Measures for
Public Housing Developments in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is renowned for its high-density consultation with various stakeholders, adopted a partnering approach with various
living where residential developments are this arc-screen design concept was finally stakeholders, setting a good precedent for
commonly located close to heavy-traffic developed in the form of an acoustic balcony exploring other innovative noise-abatement
roads. To protect public housing estate for use in the project. Together with noise designs in the future.
residents from noise nuisance, the Hong absorptive linings, the acoustic balcony
Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) has applied achieved a maximum noise reduction of up On the San Po Kong public housing
a host of abatement measures to reduce to 6.4 dB(A). Upon completion of the building development, which abuts the busy Prince
noise impacts, including building setback, works in July 2013, on-site noise verification Edward Road East, it was found that even
noise barriers, and vertical fins. However, tests were conducted, confirming that the acoustic balconies were insufficient to abate
when the noise impact is too severe for these predicted noise reduction had been achieved. the noise impact. In addition to conventional
abatement measures, more novel measures measures, the HKHA team needed to work
must be developed, such as acoustic Use of acoustic balconies has enabled out other innovative measures to further
balconies and acoustic windows. the Wing Cheong Estate development to attenuate 8 dB(A) in order to meet the
proceed despite the severe noise impact. 70 dB(A) noise standard, which is a rezoning
The Wing Cheong Estate development Consideration was given to avoid disruption requirement.
abutting West Kowloon Corridor is of daily operations such as clothes
constantly exposed to severe road traffic hanging and window cleaning, as well as In collaboration with Environmental Protection
noise. Due to the site and road configuration long-term maintenance. During the research Department (EPD) and Hong Kong Polytechnic
rendering, conventional noise measures are and development process, the project team University, the HKHA team looked into the
impracticable. In 2007, the HKHA project
team came up with an innovative arc-screen
design concept in front of the windows to
shield residents from noise impact.

Desktop numerical analysis was first
conducted to explore the effectiveness of
this measure. In 2008, based on promising
desktop results, a three-storey full-scale
model prototype was installed for in-situ noise
measurements. Various arc-screen options,
materials and testing scenarios were tested
to demonstrate the effectiveness of noise
attenuation by this method. Upon further

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