Page 88 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 88
Researches Building System Life-cycle Commissioning
and Optimisation for
Enhanced Energy Efficiency
In Hong Kong, nearly 90 percent of electricity At the design stage, optimisations and A series of technologies/tools have been
is consumed by buildings. Excessive energy in commissioning are performed to optimise developed for implementation.
particular is consumed by heating, ventilation the system configuration and component
and air conditioning (HVAC) systems due to selection. During the construction stage, • Building Energy Commissioning/Diagnosis
inappropriate design, or improper operation. commissioning is conducted to correctly Tools
Studies show that 20 to 40 percent of construct and install systems (e.g. HVAC - Building Level Energy Performance Quick
energy savings can be expected from the components, instrumentations). At the Evaluation and Diagnostic Tool
implementations of system commissioning/ testing, commissioning and operation stages, - Detailed Evaluation and Diagnostic Tool
optimisation and optimal control. commissioning is made to ensure systems for A/C and BA systems
operate in accordance with the design intent
The life cycle commissioning and optimisation under real operating conditions. Optimal • Virtual Test Platforms
method, developed by the Hong Kong control strategies are also developed and - Building System Online Performance
Polytechnic University, intends to realise implemented to push the system to approach Simulation Test Platform
the energy efficient operation of buildings’ its best performance, often exceeding design - BA Control and Diagnosis Strategy
overall HVAC systems. The method is applied intent or normal standards. Building system Online Test Platform
over the entire life cycle of a HVAC system, commissioning and optimisation has now
including the design stage, construction been implemented in many new and existing • Optimisation Tools
stage, testing and commissioning stage, and buildings, and significant energy benefits - Building HVAC System Optimisation Tool
operation stage. have been achieved. - Package of Online Optimal and Energy
Efficient Control and Fault Diagnosis
and Optimisation for
Enhanced Energy Efficiency
In Hong Kong, nearly 90 percent of electricity At the design stage, optimisations and A series of technologies/tools have been
is consumed by buildings. Excessive energy in commissioning are performed to optimise developed for implementation.
particular is consumed by heating, ventilation the system configuration and component
and air conditioning (HVAC) systems due to selection. During the construction stage, • Building Energy Commissioning/Diagnosis
inappropriate design, or improper operation. commissioning is conducted to correctly Tools
Studies show that 20 to 40 percent of construct and install systems (e.g. HVAC - Building Level Energy Performance Quick
energy savings can be expected from the components, instrumentations). At the Evaluation and Diagnostic Tool
implementations of system commissioning/ testing, commissioning and operation stages, - Detailed Evaluation and Diagnostic Tool
optimisation and optimal control. commissioning is made to ensure systems for A/C and BA systems
operate in accordance with the design intent
The life cycle commissioning and optimisation under real operating conditions. Optimal • Virtual Test Platforms
method, developed by the Hong Kong control strategies are also developed and - Building System Online Performance
Polytechnic University, intends to realise implemented to push the system to approach Simulation Test Platform
the energy efficient operation of buildings’ its best performance, often exceeding design - BA Control and Diagnosis Strategy
overall HVAC systems. The method is applied intent or normal standards. Building system Online Test Platform
over the entire life cycle of a HVAC system, commissioning and optimisation has now
including the design stage, construction been implemented in many new and existing • Optimisation Tools
stage, testing and commissioning stage, and buildings, and significant energy benefits - Building HVAC System Optimisation Tool
operation stage. have been achieved. - Package of Online Optimal and Energy
Efficient Control and Fault Diagnosis