Page 61 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 61
‘Hong Kong – Barcelona Urban World Green Building Council The WorldGBC provides a valuable
Exchange: A Dual Approach to platform for the HKGBC to share its unique
Waterfront Regeneration’ Symposium The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) experiences with the world and, at the
is a network of national green building same time, learn from other countries. To
This informative symposium was held on 22 councils in more than 100 countries, making it maximise the potential for sharing and
February 2014 at the University of Hong Kong the world’s largest international organisation exchanging knowledge, Hong Kong will
to celebrate the Think Tank partnership. The influencing the green building marketplace. host the WorldGBC Congress in October
event was organised by the Government of Its mission is to strengthen green building 2015 under the theme ‘Urban Density‘. The
the HKSAR and the Government of Barcelona councils in member countries by championing event will discuss such issues as affordable
City, together with the Hong Kong Institute them and enabling them to more easily share housing, neighbourhood development, rating
of Urban Design, the Hong Kong Institute of knowledge, inspiration and practical support tools development, transportation and urban
Planners (HKIP) and the HKGBC. from fellow members. planning, transit-oriented development, the
sustainable countryside, and maintaining
With the generous support of government The HKGBC joined as a member of the social and cultural diversity.
departments, institutions and professional WorldGBC in 2011, and became an
bodies, over 400 local and international Established Member, which is the highest
planning and urban design professionals level of membership, in November 2012. On
attended the symposium. Mr Paul Chan 1 July 2013, the Chairman of the HKGBC was
Mo-po, Secretary for Development, and Mr also appointed to the WorldGBC’s Board of
Antoni Vives, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Directors for a two-year term, giving Hong
were invited to officiate at the opening. Kong even more leverage and influence in
Drawing on the two cities’ experience, this international developments.
high-level symposium sought to exchange
and share knowledge in the areas of planning,
urban design, and green environments.
Exchange: A Dual Approach to platform for the HKGBC to share its unique
Waterfront Regeneration’ Symposium The World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) experiences with the world and, at the
is a network of national green building same time, learn from other countries. To
This informative symposium was held on 22 councils in more than 100 countries, making it maximise the potential for sharing and
February 2014 at the University of Hong Kong the world’s largest international organisation exchanging knowledge, Hong Kong will
to celebrate the Think Tank partnership. The influencing the green building marketplace. host the WorldGBC Congress in October
event was organised by the Government of Its mission is to strengthen green building 2015 under the theme ‘Urban Density‘. The
the HKSAR and the Government of Barcelona councils in member countries by championing event will discuss such issues as affordable
City, together with the Hong Kong Institute them and enabling them to more easily share housing, neighbourhood development, rating
of Urban Design, the Hong Kong Institute of knowledge, inspiration and practical support tools development, transportation and urban
Planners (HKIP) and the HKGBC. from fellow members. planning, transit-oriented development, the
sustainable countryside, and maintaining
With the generous support of government The HKGBC joined as a member of the social and cultural diversity.
departments, institutions and professional WorldGBC in 2011, and became an
bodies, over 400 local and international Established Member, which is the highest
planning and urban design professionals level of membership, in November 2012. On
attended the symposium. Mr Paul Chan 1 July 2013, the Chairman of the HKGBC was
Mo-po, Secretary for Development, and Mr also appointed to the WorldGBC’s Board of
Antoni Vives, Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Directors for a two-year term, giving Hong
were invited to officiate at the opening. Kong even more leverage and influence in
Drawing on the two cities’ experience, this international developments.
high-level symposium sought to exchange
and share knowledge in the areas of planning,
urban design, and green environments.