Page 139 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 139
account to cater for the needs of people of pedestrian wind environment, and to foster KEY TEAM MEMBERS
all ages and physical abilities, as well as to better natural ventilation and avoid extreme
promote universal accessibility for greater wind patterns. On typical domestic floors Owner / Developer
socio-spatial equity. there is a Mail-box Type Collection System Hong Kong Housing Authority
for Sorted Materials for Recycling for the
Annual savings in electricity consumption convenient disposal of recyclable materials. Project Manager / Architect /
in communal areas is 25,200 kWh, which The quantity of materials collected for C&S Engineer / M&E Engineer /
translates into a reduction of 17.6 tonnes recycling is 20 percent higher than the phases Landscape Architect
of CO2 emissions per annum. Annual water of Yau Lai Estate that do not have this system. Development and Construction Division,
savings are 1,254 m3 thanks to rainwater Housing Department,
harvesting systems for irrigation and floor EHC5 is a model in sustainable public HKSAR Government
washing in common areas. The use of housing development with green initiatives,
pre-cast elements, such as pre-cast façades, and has attracted a number of visitors from Quantity Surveyor
partitions, walls and staircases has been government and academia bodies since Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
maximised. A greening ratio of 26 percent its completion. Recognition from various
has been achieved by extensive greening, local and overseas awards highlights the Environmental Consultant
vertical green panels and green roofs on the significance of this project in the industry’s Arup
ground floor and car park podium. sustainable development direction. The
success of the project is also reflected in the Main Contractor
Micro-climate studies to enhance the wind high satisfaction rate of 96.5 percent from the Shui On Building Contractors Ltd.
environment, natural ventilation, daylight, residents’ survey carried out after occupation.
and mitigate solar heat gain have been In EHC5, the HA has truly regenerated a
carried out. The void space at the pedestrian harmonious and sustainable community for
level is used to enhance the localised families.
all ages and physical abilities, as well as to better natural ventilation and avoid extreme
promote universal accessibility for greater wind patterns. On typical domestic floors Owner / Developer
socio-spatial equity. there is a Mail-box Type Collection System Hong Kong Housing Authority
for Sorted Materials for Recycling for the
Annual savings in electricity consumption convenient disposal of recyclable materials. Project Manager / Architect /
in communal areas is 25,200 kWh, which The quantity of materials collected for C&S Engineer / M&E Engineer /
translates into a reduction of 17.6 tonnes recycling is 20 percent higher than the phases Landscape Architect
of CO2 emissions per annum. Annual water of Yau Lai Estate that do not have this system. Development and Construction Division,
savings are 1,254 m3 thanks to rainwater Housing Department,
harvesting systems for irrigation and floor EHC5 is a model in sustainable public HKSAR Government
washing in common areas. The use of housing development with green initiatives,
pre-cast elements, such as pre-cast façades, and has attracted a number of visitors from Quantity Surveyor
partitions, walls and staircases has been government and academia bodies since Langdon & Seah Hong Kong Ltd.
maximised. A greening ratio of 26 percent its completion. Recognition from various
has been achieved by extensive greening, local and overseas awards highlights the Environmental Consultant
vertical green panels and green roofs on the significance of this project in the industry’s Arup
ground floor and car park podium. sustainable development direction. The
success of the project is also reflected in the Main Contractor
Micro-climate studies to enhance the wind high satisfaction rate of 96.5 percent from the Shui On Building Contractors Ltd.
environment, natural ventilation, daylight, residents’ survey carried out after occupation.
and mitigate solar heat gain have been In EHC5, the HA has truly regenerated a
carried out. The void space at the pedestrian harmonious and sustainable community for
level is used to enhance the localised families.