Page 99 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 99
space provision, requirement of acquiring the approved applications for redevelopment resulting from continuous interactive
provisional gold rating or above from the and wholesale conversion under this policy exchanges between the Government and the
HKGBC, and providing 24-hour pedestrian initiative in Hong Kong are located in Kowloon public, which allow responsive solutions to
access through the development as well East. Owners are also encouraged to apply be integrated into the CMP.
as connections with existing public spaces for green building certification (BEAM Plus)
and public transportation. Through these for the conversion and redevelopment of The Government has been playing an
provisions, private developers are aligned industrial buildings. important role in adopting a visionary,
to share the same vision of transforming coordinated and integrated approach to
Kowloon East into a new and sustainable The innovative place-making approach of expedite the transformation of Kowloon
CBD. Energizing Kowloon East has successfully East into an attractive alternative CBD of
integrated site-specific planning and design Hong Kong. Through the facilitation process,
Another major government policy initiative solutions, implementation, collaboration private developers also share the same vision
on sustainable development is the through active engagement with the of Energizing Kowloon East by adopting
revitalising measures to facilitate the community and relevant stakeholders, sustainable development initiatives that
redevelopment and wholesale conversion creating quality public spaces for creativity, support Hong Kong’s economic growth and
of old industry buildings, announced in arts and cultural activities, industrial heritage strengthen the city’s global competitiveness.
October 2009 and refined in October 2013. and cultural development to advocate
It has benefited Kowloon East by giving an the ‘Spirit of Creation’, and promoting a KEY TEAM MEMBERS
opportunity for better use of the existing ‘Walkable Kowloon East’, all of which will
stock of vacant or under-utilised industrial help to create a better alternative CBD for Owner / Developer
buildings, creating a potential supply of people to walk, to do business, to play and Development Bureau,
1.7 million m2 through redevelopment or to stay. The sustainable urban transformation HKSAR Government
wholesale conversion. About 40 percent of has benefited from the evolving approach
provisional gold rating or above from the and wholesale conversion under this policy exchanges between the Government and the
HKGBC, and providing 24-hour pedestrian initiative in Hong Kong are located in Kowloon public, which allow responsive solutions to
access through the development as well East. Owners are also encouraged to apply be integrated into the CMP.
as connections with existing public spaces for green building certification (BEAM Plus)
and public transportation. Through these for the conversion and redevelopment of The Government has been playing an
provisions, private developers are aligned industrial buildings. important role in adopting a visionary,
to share the same vision of transforming coordinated and integrated approach to
Kowloon East into a new and sustainable The innovative place-making approach of expedite the transformation of Kowloon
CBD. Energizing Kowloon East has successfully East into an attractive alternative CBD of
integrated site-specific planning and design Hong Kong. Through the facilitation process,
Another major government policy initiative solutions, implementation, collaboration private developers also share the same vision
on sustainable development is the through active engagement with the of Energizing Kowloon East by adopting
revitalising measures to facilitate the community and relevant stakeholders, sustainable development initiatives that
redevelopment and wholesale conversion creating quality public spaces for creativity, support Hong Kong’s economic growth and
of old industry buildings, announced in arts and cultural activities, industrial heritage strengthen the city’s global competitiveness.
October 2009 and refined in October 2013. and cultural development to advocate
It has benefited Kowloon East by giving an the ‘Spirit of Creation’, and promoting a KEY TEAM MEMBERS
opportunity for better use of the existing ‘Walkable Kowloon East’, all of which will
stock of vacant or under-utilised industrial help to create a better alternative CBD for Owner / Developer
buildings, creating a potential supply of people to walk, to do business, to play and Development Bureau,
1.7 million m2 through redevelopment or to stay. The sustainable urban transformation HKSAR Government
wholesale conversion. About 40 percent of has benefited from the evolving approach