Page 96 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 96
Public Sector Kowloon East
The CMP is a living and evolving document
for the organic development of the planning
strategy for Kowloon East. Above all,
connectivity is fundamental and underpins
the overall planning. The strategy is to
draw pedestrians from the hinterland to
the waterfront by providing an improved
pedestrian environment, facilities and public
spaces in Kowloon East, i.e. a ‘Walkable
Kowloon East‘. Public views received in
different public engagement activities were
taken into account and various short- and
medium-term traffic improvement works
have already been carried out to facilitate
pedestrian movements in Kowloon East.
Further proposals are being formulated for
the Kowloon Bay Business Area, advocating
the sustainability concept of a ‘walkable
city’ including the introduction of a Green
Spine and Green Link interconnections with
different nodes of green attractions and
major facilities in the area through at-grade
connections or grade-separated facilities.
A similar study has also been commissioned
for the Kwun Tong Business Area. A specific
strategy of revitalising back lanes is being
formulated to provide alternative pedestrian
routes to cater for increasing pedestrians due
to the transformation of this old industrial
area into a business area.
The connectivity throughout Kowloon East
will be further enhanced upon unleashing
the development potential of the Kowloon
Bay Action Area by relocating some existing
government facilities elsewhere to allow
commercial/office and other suitable uses to
strengthen the position of Kowloon East as a
new CBD.
Various environmental improvement
initiatives in the CMP 3.0 have been
implemented. These include the greening
works carried out at strategic locations
in accordance with the Greening Master
Plan of Kowloon East to integrate with the
pedestrian networks and the urban fabric.
Other completed environmental improvement
works include the face-lift of Tsun Yip Street
Playground Phase 1, which will be followed
by the Phase 2 works to be completed in 2017.
This will become the first industrial heritage
park in Hong Kong, reflecting a unique linkage
of Kowloon East’s industrial past with urban
design and public art.
The CMP is a living and evolving document
for the organic development of the planning
strategy for Kowloon East. Above all,
connectivity is fundamental and underpins
the overall planning. The strategy is to
draw pedestrians from the hinterland to
the waterfront by providing an improved
pedestrian environment, facilities and public
spaces in Kowloon East, i.e. a ‘Walkable
Kowloon East‘. Public views received in
different public engagement activities were
taken into account and various short- and
medium-term traffic improvement works
have already been carried out to facilitate
pedestrian movements in Kowloon East.
Further proposals are being formulated for
the Kowloon Bay Business Area, advocating
the sustainability concept of a ‘walkable
city’ including the introduction of a Green
Spine and Green Link interconnections with
different nodes of green attractions and
major facilities in the area through at-grade
connections or grade-separated facilities.
A similar study has also been commissioned
for the Kwun Tong Business Area. A specific
strategy of revitalising back lanes is being
formulated to provide alternative pedestrian
routes to cater for increasing pedestrians due
to the transformation of this old industrial
area into a business area.
The connectivity throughout Kowloon East
will be further enhanced upon unleashing
the development potential of the Kowloon
Bay Action Area by relocating some existing
government facilities elsewhere to allow
commercial/office and other suitable uses to
strengthen the position of Kowloon East as a
new CBD.
Various environmental improvement
initiatives in the CMP 3.0 have been
implemented. These include the greening
works carried out at strategic locations
in accordance with the Greening Master
Plan of Kowloon East to integrate with the
pedestrian networks and the urban fabric.
Other completed environmental improvement
works include the face-lift of Tsun Yip Street
Playground Phase 1, which will be followed
by the Phase 2 works to be completed in 2017.
This will become the first industrial heritage
park in Hong Kong, reflecting a unique linkage
of Kowloon East’s industrial past with urban
design and public art.