Page 98 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 98
Public Sector Kowloon East
To embrace these environmental improvement and green design concepts will be adopted to is also the first temporary office building
initiatives, the upgrading of the waterfront create a world-class leisure and tourism node to receive the BEAM Plus NB Version 1.1
environment has continued into the for the enjoyment of both tourists and local Platinum rating endorsed by the Hong Kong
hinterland of the Kwun Tong Business Area communities, while also creating synergy Green Building Council (HKGBC) in January
by transforming the existing King Yip Street with the Energizing Kowloon East initiatives. 2014, testifying to its various environmental
nullah into Tusi Ping River. Re-configuration benefits.
of the adjacent government sites is being Promoting energy conservation through
explored to provide a public green space with the concept of green building is one of the A Green Map was established on EKEO’s
a design coherent to the proposed riverside major tasks under the Energizing Kowloon website in June 2013, which aims to
environment. East initiatives. The public sector will encourage new developments and renovation
employ low-carbon and sustainable design of existing buildings to adopt low-carbon
Taking the waterfront vibrancy to an concepts in government projects. The designs. The Green Map highlights Green
international level, the Kai Tak Fantasy temporary office building of EKEO is itself Buildings and Green Check Points in
International Ideas Competition was a champion of sustainability using a raft of Kowloon East to provide environmentally
launched in November 2013 to solicit creative integrated green building technologies and friendly information to the public. To
and innovative planning and design proposals features, lean construction methods and low further collaborate with the private sector,
for the former runway tip in the Kai Tak embodied-energy materials. It is Hong Kong’s various enhanced sustainable and greening
Development, the Kwun Tong ferry pier area first low-carbon temporary office building. provisions are imposed on the sale of different
and the waterbody in between. Sustainable This innovative and green EKEO building sites, such as a higher greening ratio, open
To embrace these environmental improvement and green design concepts will be adopted to is also the first temporary office building
initiatives, the upgrading of the waterfront create a world-class leisure and tourism node to receive the BEAM Plus NB Version 1.1
environment has continued into the for the enjoyment of both tourists and local Platinum rating endorsed by the Hong Kong
hinterland of the Kwun Tong Business Area communities, while also creating synergy Green Building Council (HKGBC) in January
by transforming the existing King Yip Street with the Energizing Kowloon East initiatives. 2014, testifying to its various environmental
nullah into Tusi Ping River. Re-configuration benefits.
of the adjacent government sites is being Promoting energy conservation through
explored to provide a public green space with the concept of green building is one of the A Green Map was established on EKEO’s
a design coherent to the proposed riverside major tasks under the Energizing Kowloon website in June 2013, which aims to
environment. East initiatives. The public sector will encourage new developments and renovation
employ low-carbon and sustainable design of existing buildings to adopt low-carbon
Taking the waterfront vibrancy to an concepts in government projects. The designs. The Green Map highlights Green
international level, the Kai Tak Fantasy temporary office building of EKEO is itself Buildings and Green Check Points in
International Ideas Competition was a champion of sustainability using a raft of Kowloon East to provide environmentally
launched in November 2013 to solicit creative integrated green building technologies and friendly information to the public. To
and innovative planning and design proposals features, lean construction methods and low further collaborate with the private sector,
for the former runway tip in the Kai Tak embodied-energy materials. It is Hong Kong’s various enhanced sustainable and greening
Development, the Kwun Tong ferry pier area first low-carbon temporary office building. provisions are imposed on the sale of different
and the waterbody in between. Sustainable This innovative and green EKEO building sites, such as a higher greening ratio, open