Page 169 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 169
involved intensive engagement with the The URA duly applied the prevailing improved quality of life after relocation. This
affected government departments to compensation and rehousing policies, where could be related to the fact that 75 percent
understand their unique requirements and the unit rate of self-owned residential of the owners bought residential properties
to negotiate the reprovisioning terms, as properties irrespective of the building age that are larger than their previous ones,
well as the more broad-based engagement and floor level is based on the valuation of and 40 percent of the purchased residential
with users to mitigate complaints due to a notional seven-year-old flat in a similar properties are less than 20 years old. It is
the changed locations. As Ms Iris Tam, locality, which is a policy directive set by the also worth noting that over 70 percent of the
Managing Director of the URA, put it, ’The Legislative Council. Despite the vast number owners chose their new properties in Kwun
crux of good project planning really lies in of property interests to be dealt with, almost Tong and its vicinity in order to retain their
multi-pronged engagement because a 80 percent of the owners of residential social network. Moreover, eligible tenants
sustainable development must embrace the properties accepted the offers within were rehoused in public housing units
people elements.‘ 3 months, which is solid proof that the based on their location preferences and the
acquisition offer was fair and reasonable. availability of public housing units in Kowloon
Among the stakeholders of the Project, While a delicate balancing act was required East. One of the Project’s main objectives is to
the inhabitants of dire buildings were the to ensure that residents’ and shop operators’ improve the living quality of its inhabitants,
group needing the most urgent help. During rights to compensation and rehousing were and this study provides encouraging proof
public engagement, most people asserted fairly looked after without jeopardising the that this objective is largely being met.
their long-awaited desire to move out, and financial exposure of the Project, discretionary
responsively the URA committed early on to assistance was also made to those Compared with the human issues, the design of
make acquisition offers in one go for all four encountering special problems, such as the a modern, green, and environmentally-friendly
Development Areas, thereby shouldering the offering of ex-gratia allowances to occupiers town centre for the 21st century is coming
financial risks associated with real estate of illegal stalls and structures near Yan Shun about in a less controversial manner, even
market fluctuations over the prolonged Lane, and special monetary incentives for though it requires no less effort. According
development period, in particular under licensed hawkers in the existing hawker to the current design, the most prominent
the phased development. Shortly after the bazaars to move into the interim hawker change to the physical environment at the
development scheme plans for the Main Site bazaars constructed by the URA. site will be the creation of large expanse of
and Yuet Wah Street Site were approved open space and greenery, measuring about
by the Chief Executive in September 2008, In a tracking study conducted by the Chinese 13,400 m2 (equivalent to 30 percent of the
acquisition offers were made to the affected University of Hong Kong between June 2009 site area), comprising street gardens, roof
owners in December 2008. and October 2011, in which over 500 residents gardens, terraced gardens, streetscapes,
from about 320 affected households of the vertical greening, water features and
An acquisition offer is always a contentious Project were surveyed, more than 70 percent pedestrian decks. This is particularly precious
issue, and all parties will never be appeased. of the respondents felt satisfied with their in an urban centre, and would not be possible

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