Page 165 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 165
Completed in May 2008, One Island East is a
jewel in the heart of the Island East district,
embracing both social and environmental
sustainability. The 68-storey, triple Grade-A
commercial office tower has a gross floor area
of approximately 139,000 m2 and is flanked
by four hectares of landscaped gardens and
water features.
Sustainability elements were incorporated ‘Technological Achievement Award’ at the have attained HK-BEAM’s highest Platinum
into each stage of the development’s life 2007 Hong Kong Awards for Industries. rating, with the developer’s head offices in
cycle, from planning to construction to The project also features a number of the same building achieving a Platinum rating
maintenance. Prior to demolition of the other environmental measures to reduce for BEAM Plus Interiors.
original building, Swire Properties worked the consumption of energy, water and raw
with the contractor to develop a substantial materials throughout the life cycle of the Understanding the vital importance of a good
waste management plan. As a result, building. Energy-efficient, water-cooled team, Swire Properties invests heavily in its
99 percent of the construction and demolition air-conditioning systems are used in place people and in furthering knowledge. 44 BEAM
waste was reused or recycled. New industry of air-cooled systems. The use of seawater professionals have been trained and qualified
standards were also set with the use of cooling significantly reduces fresh water to date, with more in training. A number of
Gehry Technologies, a Building Information consumption, and rainwater and bleed-offs these professionals are also certified by the
Modelling (BIM) system. This advanced are reused for the toilet flushing systems. Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
technology helped to identify and resolve over Waste management solutions include ample (LEED AP) of the United States.
2,000 design clashes before construction, handling facilities, as well as comprehensive
reducing construction waste early in the recycling schemes. One Island East’s
design process. sustainable design, building and management
Other innovations during the construction
period included the use of high-performance
grade 100 concrete for the columns and
core walls of One Island East, which saved
3,500 tonnes of associated CO2 emissions
from reduced use of concrete and won the
jewel in the heart of the Island East district,
embracing both social and environmental
sustainability. The 68-storey, triple Grade-A
commercial office tower has a gross floor area
of approximately 139,000 m2 and is flanked
by four hectares of landscaped gardens and
water features.
Sustainability elements were incorporated ‘Technological Achievement Award’ at the have attained HK-BEAM’s highest Platinum
into each stage of the development’s life 2007 Hong Kong Awards for Industries. rating, with the developer’s head offices in
cycle, from planning to construction to The project also features a number of the same building achieving a Platinum rating
maintenance. Prior to demolition of the other environmental measures to reduce for BEAM Plus Interiors.
original building, Swire Properties worked the consumption of energy, water and raw
with the contractor to develop a substantial materials throughout the life cycle of the Understanding the vital importance of a good
waste management plan. As a result, building. Energy-efficient, water-cooled team, Swire Properties invests heavily in its
99 percent of the construction and demolition air-conditioning systems are used in place people and in furthering knowledge. 44 BEAM
waste was reused or recycled. New industry of air-cooled systems. The use of seawater professionals have been trained and qualified
standards were also set with the use of cooling significantly reduces fresh water to date, with more in training. A number of
Gehry Technologies, a Building Information consumption, and rainwater and bleed-offs these professionals are also certified by the
Modelling (BIM) system. This advanced are reused for the toilet flushing systems. Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
technology helped to identify and resolve over Waste management solutions include ample (LEED AP) of the United States.
2,000 design clashes before construction, handling facilities, as well as comprehensive
reducing construction waste early in the recycling schemes. One Island East’s
design process. sustainable design, building and management
Other innovations during the construction
period included the use of high-performance
grade 100 concrete for the columns and
core walls of One Island East, which saved
3,500 tonnes of associated CO2 emissions
from reduced use of concrete and won the