Research - Asia Pacific
研究 - 亞太區
Merit Award
Towards a Low Carbon Urban and Rural Planning Process
Yanqing County Pilot Study, City of Beijing, China
The main objectives of Project AP05-RP-R01 are: (1) to
prepare the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Framework and
Methodology for theYanqing County Statutory Master Land Use
Plan; (2) to set up a pilot Low Carbon Urban and Rural Planning
Process applicable to the City of Bejing: Inventory, Emission
Scenario Analysis, Strategies, Performance Indicators, GIS
Database; and (3) to make specific recommendations on action
plans, and to amend the existing Yanqing County Statutory
Master LandUsePlan, toprovidestatutory support for lowcarbon
planning policies. This project contributes to the development of
an innovative low carbon planning methodology and planning
tool to support statutory local planning decision-making. The
Jurors are convinced that this project is of significant importance
for low carbon city planning. The Jurors also recognize the
significant relevance to Hong Kong for greenhouse gas (GHG)
inventory analysis.
這個項目的主要目標為:(1) 為延戈慶縣整體土地使用藍
圖預備溫室氣體盤查 (GHG) 範圍及方法;(2) 建立適用於
北京市的低碳市區及效區規劃程式試點:存取量、 排放
情景分析、策略、表現指標、GIS數據庫;及(3) 就行動策
為香港的溫室氣體盤查 (GHG) 分析作為借鑒。
梁廣德博士 - 香港城市大學能源及環境學院副教授
Research and Planning Category