Over 10 pioneers signed the Energy Saving
Charter (Education Sector) at the Activation
Ceremony with the witness of Ir Conrad T C
WONG, JP, Chairman, HKGBC, and Mr WONG
Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment,
Environment Bureau, HKSAR Government
3. A technical talk and on-site visit to
Sing Yin Secondary School
organised on 23 February 2013 to thoroughly explain
the sustainable
features of the building and BEAMPlus assessment standards
4. Representatives from
Water Supplies
Depar tment (WSD)
and other
stakeholder organisations were
invited to deliver a seminar on
Saving and Recycling Technologies”
on 16 March 2013.
Launch of the Hong Kong Green School Guide
In view of the importance of the education sector in driving behavioural change
among the younger generations, the “Hong Kong Green School Guide” was
officially launched at the Ceremony for providing practical guidelines for principals
and school administrators to better understand ways to improve building energy
efficiency and engage students for reducing energy consumption.
Signing of HK3030 Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector)
Following the School Engagement Seminar, HKGBC further engaged with the
education sector and has received tremendous support from local institutions
and schools to sign the Energy Saving Charter (Education Sector), which serves
as a pledge for institutions and schools to commit in creating a green campus
for students.
Mandatory CPD Events
1. The HKGBC and the CUHK jointly organised seminars on 19 & 26 January 2013
in which 5 local and international instructors, including
Prof. Edward Ng
CUHK, elaborated their ideas on
Urban Climate for design and planning
2. The HKGBC and Edinburgh Napier University jointly organised
a seminar on 1 February 2013 in which
Mr John Currie
from Edinburgh Napier University presented insightful and
informative findings on
BuildingOccupant Behaviour and the
Role of Smart Metering in Reducing Energy Consumption