Page 48 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 48
Key Drivers in The Work of the HKGBC:
Hong Kong's Working with the Industry
Green Building
Development Launch of the second generation of HK-BEAM, which has extended 2003
the scheme to high-rise residential buildings, the first of its kind in
1996 the world. There was a broadening of the scope to encompass other
greenhouse gas-related aspects such as limitation of private car parking
spaces and encouraging natural clothes-drying facilities. Areas specific
to the needs of Hong Kong were also covered, including the proper
location of domestic air-conditioning units and proper noise control in a
high-density living environment.

Establishment of Hong Kong Building Environmental 1999 The third generation of HK-BEAM
Assessment Method (HK-BEAM) assessment was compiled and issued to cover
methods, largely based on UK’s BREEAM, in two all building types at all life stages,
versions, one covering new office buildings and the with the schemes being renamed
other for existing office buildings. The primary aim ‘Existing Buildings’ and ‘New
of this rating tool was to reduce the environmental Buildings’ without restriction to
impact of buildings using the best available offices and residential types.
techniques and within reasonable additional cost.


Hong Kong is famous for its high-rise and tool, Hong Kong Building Environmental in November 2009, produced a revamped
high-density urban environment. The design Assessment Method (HK-BEAM), was version of the rating tool, now known as
and operation of its buildings play a significant first developed in 1996. From the outset, BEAM Plus, which was officially launched
role in the region’s environmental footprint, HK-BEAM provided a voluntary benchmark in 2010. To date, BEAM (both HK-BEAM
as well as in the wellbeing and quality of for evaluating a building’s sustainability and and BEAM Plus) has certified (including
life for Hong Kong’s citizens. Globally, it has its community footprint. In 2002, the BEAM provisional certification) over 15.4 million m2
been established that buildings account Society (renamed as BEAM Society Limited of gross floor area (GFA), covering more than
for approximately one third of the world’s in 2010) was established as a separate entity 370 properties. Hong Kong has a population
greenhouse gas emissions. In service-based open to individual and corporate members of about 7.2 million. On a per-capita basis,
economies such as Hong Kong, the figure is from all building-related disciplines, which the BEAM-certified area is more than 2m2 per
closer to 60 percent. became a key factor in getting buy-in for the person. That means, on a per-capita basis,
rating tool, not only in the construction of BEAM is now one of the most widely used
It is against this backdrop that Hong Kong’s buildings, but also in operation. The BEAM voluntary green building labelling schemes
locally produced green building rating Society took up the development work and, globally.

Indoor Innovations
Environmental Additions

Materials Quality

Water Use Aspects



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