Page 227 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 227
Located at a prominent space in the exhibition hall, the Hong Kong exhibition booth displayed how the local
green building development evolved, highlighting the milestones together with the many remarkable green
building projects in the community.
of ‘People, Policy, Process and Performance’ in close collaboration with the HKSAR
to advance the sustainable development Government. In SB08, Hong Kong’s Green
cause in Hong Kong. A timeline depicting Building Report 2008 was heralded as
the evolution and achievements of Hong representing the best regional policy and
Kong’s green building development is was a joint winner of the conference’s award
summarised in the end of this report together in this category. SB11, held in Helsinki in
with details of key Hong Kong speakers at 2011, saw Hong Kong’s active participation
WSB14 in following table overleaf. Two organised by the overarching green building
special occasions commemorating the event organisation, the HKGBC, with a strong
were held on the first day of the Conference delegation of 60 representatives, led by
comprising the Hong Kong Exhibition Booth the then Secretary for Development,
Opening Ceremony and the Hong Kong Mrs Carrie LAM, GBS, JP.
Delegation Dinner. In the latter, the Hong
Kong delegates enjoyed the opportunity to Through the HKGBC, Hong Kong’s green
intimately interact with various international building movement has gone from strength
counterparts from WSB14, SB Conference to strength. Since its establishment in
Series and worldwide. 2009, the HKGBC has been heavily involved
Hong Kong’s long established relationship The Hong Kong Delegation chaired three
with the SB Conference Series stretches key debate sessions to facilitate knowledge
back 14 years since the Maastricht inaugural exchange with experts from all over the world
event in 2000. Hong Kong, represented in on the latest green building development trends.
the first two conferences by the Hong Kong
Institute of Architects (HKIA), used the
event to showcase several pioneering green
building projects and the then newly adopted
HK-BEAM approach. In 2005 and 2008, the
Hong Kong delegation was headed by the
Professional Green Building Council (PGBC)
green building development evolved, highlighting the milestones together with the many remarkable green
building projects in the community.
of ‘People, Policy, Process and Performance’ in close collaboration with the HKSAR
to advance the sustainable development Government. In SB08, Hong Kong’s Green
cause in Hong Kong. A timeline depicting Building Report 2008 was heralded as
the evolution and achievements of Hong representing the best regional policy and
Kong’s green building development is was a joint winner of the conference’s award
summarised in the end of this report together in this category. SB11, held in Helsinki in
with details of key Hong Kong speakers at 2011, saw Hong Kong’s active participation
WSB14 in following table overleaf. Two organised by the overarching green building
special occasions commemorating the event organisation, the HKGBC, with a strong
were held on the first day of the Conference delegation of 60 representatives, led by
comprising the Hong Kong Exhibition Booth the then Secretary for Development,
Opening Ceremony and the Hong Kong Mrs Carrie LAM, GBS, JP.
Delegation Dinner. In the latter, the Hong
Kong delegates enjoyed the opportunity to Through the HKGBC, Hong Kong’s green
intimately interact with various international building movement has gone from strength
counterparts from WSB14, SB Conference to strength. Since its establishment in
Series and worldwide. 2009, the HKGBC has been heavily involved
Hong Kong’s long established relationship The Hong Kong Delegation chaired three
with the SB Conference Series stretches key debate sessions to facilitate knowledge
back 14 years since the Maastricht inaugural exchange with experts from all over the world
event in 2000. Hong Kong, represented in on the latest green building development trends.
the first two conferences by the Hong Kong
Institute of Architects (HKIA), used the
event to showcase several pioneering green
building projects and the then newly adopted
HK-BEAM approach. In 2005 and 2008, the
Hong Kong delegation was headed by the
Professional Green Building Council (PGBC)