Page 180 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) 香港綠色建築議會
P. 180
Private Sector China Resources Building
Built in 1983 and once the tallest building
in Hong Kong, China Resources Building
(CRB) used to be an icon of Hong Kong. It is
situated in the prime location of Wan Chai
North, comprising a podium, a 50-storey
tower and an exhibition centre with a floor
area of 127,000 m2. However, CRB needed
to be upgraded to cope with the growth of
commercial activities in the neighbourhood
and to attract tenants. This project challenges
the conventional norm of demolishing and
rebuilding, and provides a unique insight on
the power of neighbourhood transformation.
The vision was to revitalise this architectural
icon into a green building icon in line with the
latest building and sustainability standards
in an environmentally benign, socially
integrated and cost effective approach.
A contemporary and sustainable building skin
was introduced to project a brand new image
for the headquarters and the neighbourhood.
The integration of an energy-saving and
environmentally friendly LED lighting scheme
transformed the building’s appearance and
enhanced its presence at night while still
maintaining the simplicity of its architectural
design during the day.
The refurbishment work expanded to the the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions the neighbourhood as an integral part of the
neighbourhood by transforming the podium, in the city. The building was transformed design process before the commencement
public walkways and a neighbourhood based on an internationally accepted green of work contributed greatly to the success
garden. The re-planning of the podium specification and benchmark. It is the first of the retrofitting project, which benefits not
has introduced landscaped courtyards for building renovation project to receive a LEED only existing and new tenants, but also the
the enjoyment of the building’s users. The Core and Shell Gold rating from the United surrounding community.
public walkways, which used to be covered States Green Building Council (USGBC). One of the greatest challenges the project
by concrete, have been transformed to At the start of the project, a project briefing faced was that the premise remained
weather-protected passages with glazed was held to enhance tenants’ understanding of occupied throughout the whole construction
canopies and windscreens to create a more the redevelopment project. The corporation’s period. Minimum disturbance to building
pleasant space. Furthermore, part of the project team gave a detailed presentation users was vital. A specially designed elevated
existing public walkways at the ground and responded to tenants’ questions about working platform was applied for the façade
floor and podium floor levels are integrated arrangements and provisions for their renovation works. With this platform, the
with the podium lobbies in order to enhance convenience. This interactive dialogue with use of traditional bamboo scaffolding was
pedestrian circulation. The two side podia
were demolished and the micro-climate, in
terms of cross natural ventilation, lighting
and building permeability at the podium,
has been significantly enhanced. Though
a public property, Harbour Road Garden,
which lies immediately to the north, was
also transformed through the removal of
fence walls, added trees and contemporary
landscape design, funded by the private
property owner of CRB.
To pursue its corporate mission of ‘Better life
together‘, CRB’s revitalisation has extended
the building’s life cycle and saved long-term
energy consumption to help contribute to
Built in 1983 and once the tallest building
in Hong Kong, China Resources Building
(CRB) used to be an icon of Hong Kong. It is
situated in the prime location of Wan Chai
North, comprising a podium, a 50-storey
tower and an exhibition centre with a floor
area of 127,000 m2. However, CRB needed
to be upgraded to cope with the growth of
commercial activities in the neighbourhood
and to attract tenants. This project challenges
the conventional norm of demolishing and
rebuilding, and provides a unique insight on
the power of neighbourhood transformation.
The vision was to revitalise this architectural
icon into a green building icon in line with the
latest building and sustainability standards
in an environmentally benign, socially
integrated and cost effective approach.
A contemporary and sustainable building skin
was introduced to project a brand new image
for the headquarters and the neighbourhood.
The integration of an energy-saving and
environmentally friendly LED lighting scheme
transformed the building’s appearance and
enhanced its presence at night while still
maintaining the simplicity of its architectural
design during the day.
The refurbishment work expanded to the the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions the neighbourhood as an integral part of the
neighbourhood by transforming the podium, in the city. The building was transformed design process before the commencement
public walkways and a neighbourhood based on an internationally accepted green of work contributed greatly to the success
garden. The re-planning of the podium specification and benchmark. It is the first of the retrofitting project, which benefits not
has introduced landscaped courtyards for building renovation project to receive a LEED only existing and new tenants, but also the
the enjoyment of the building’s users. The Core and Shell Gold rating from the United surrounding community.
public walkways, which used to be covered States Green Building Council (USGBC). One of the greatest challenges the project
by concrete, have been transformed to At the start of the project, a project briefing faced was that the premise remained
weather-protected passages with glazed was held to enhance tenants’ understanding of occupied throughout the whole construction
canopies and windscreens to create a more the redevelopment project. The corporation’s period. Minimum disturbance to building
pleasant space. Furthermore, part of the project team gave a detailed presentation users was vital. A specially designed elevated
existing public walkways at the ground and responded to tenants’ questions about working platform was applied for the façade
floor and podium floor levels are integrated arrangements and provisions for their renovation works. With this platform, the
with the podium lobbies in order to enhance convenience. This interactive dialogue with use of traditional bamboo scaffolding was
pedestrian circulation. The two side podia
were demolished and the micro-climate, in
terms of cross natural ventilation, lighting
and building permeability at the podium,
has been significantly enhanced. Though
a public property, Harbour Road Garden,
which lies immediately to the north, was
also transformed through the removal of
fence walls, added trees and contemporary
landscape design, funded by the private
property owner of CRB.
To pursue its corporate mission of ‘Better life
together‘, CRB’s revitalisation has extended
the building’s life cycle and saved long-term
energy consumption to help contribute to